Woes of Dengue patients

Dengue is a dangerous and deadly disease caused byspecie of mosquito which generally breeds on stagnant water. The dengue mosquito is said to be active during daylight. That is the reason the Health Department advises people to cover the water containers and also to cover their own arms and body especially of the kids who are easily vulnerable to mosquito bite.
This disease spread in the country and the State lately. Maybe it was already there but people did not know the cause and the treatment. Now thanks to medical researches, we are fully aware of the cause and effect of the disease and the timely treatment it needs to save the precious lives. When a person is reported unwell and brought to the doctor the first thing the doctors do is to send him for investigation of dengue. A medical kit called ELISA-IGM test for detection of dengue is provided to all hospitals for the purpose of investigation and establishment of dengue disease. Only through  this equipment a dependable test is made and as such the kit has to be provided to the hospitals where patients flock for test and treatment. Unfortunately neither at the Government Hospital Gandhi Nagar nor at the Government Hospital Sarwal these kits are available for the doctors to conduct the test. Despite repeated requests to the authorities that ELISA-IGM test for detection of Dengue is urgently needed, there seems to be no impact of these requests to the authorities. The result is that the patients have to go out of the State and seek treatment to dengue in other state hospitals which become expensive for them. Knowing that there is increase in dengue disease and the hospitals are overcrowded with patients seeking treatment of dengue,the authorities are not at all showing any concern for the suffering patients. Efficient system would not allow any gap between the supply and demand and those at the helm of affairs are supposed to provide regular and uninterrupted supplies of kits and medicines that are of crucial importance in saving the lives of the people. We expect the Director of Health Services to address this issue immediately and order immediate supply of the material including the kit etc. to all the premier hospitals in the Jammu region.