Power curtailment in Jammu city

Jammu city is facing shortage of power in these hot summer days. There are prolonged power cuts that have made people of the city miserable. It is not only the prolonged power cuts but they are unscheduled too. In these sweltering hot days, shortage of power has added to the hardships of the  people. One more problem has arisen due to power curtailment that is water scarcity in several areas of the city. We cannot deny this that illegal connections still exist and power theft is again prevailing but this has to  be discouraged and those found involved in theft should be heavily dealt with.
This needs proper checking and vigil from the PDD officials. The need of the hour is proper power supply to the consumers who are metered legally. Those people who are practising unlawful kundi system also need to be checked. This way we can save electricity for the better use of the public. The PDD should ensure adequate supply of power to the people of Jammu city during summer. Let us cooperate with each other.
Yours etc…..
S. N. Raina