Justice at doorsteps

Under National Lok Adalat programme, Lok Adalats were held in all the 22 districts of the State with the explicit purpose of reducing pendency to minimum level. Results obtaining from the exercise are very encouraging. In all 58403 cases were examined and decided by the Lok Adalat on spot. An amount of 29 crore rupees were sanctioned to be paid by way of compensation to the victims of motor accidents.  9 Benches were organized in Jammu region in which 2822 cases were decided on spot. Lok Adalats were held in all the districts of the Jammu, Kashmir and even in Leh and Kargil despite sub-zero temperature.
This is a remarkable effort by the judiciary aimed at reducing huge pendency and bringing justice to the people at their doorsteps. As we know litigation has become very complicated and expensive affair for the poor and ordinary people and they have to wait for years at end to see that justice is done to them. Pendency is owing to several causes and despite the great desire of the legal luminaries it was found difficult to reduce the huge bulk of pending work. A realistic and very practical way has been found in the shape of Lok Adalats. The success achieved in this exercise will naturally encourage the judiciary and the litigants to have more of such meetings of the benches in future. The good thing is that these Lok Adalats have been held in almost all district headquarters. Thus justice is reaching the people literally in their homes.