ISM”s illegally built hospital

The organization called Indian System of Medicine (AYUSH) has illegally built a 50-bed incomplete hospital at a place on the Dal Lake in Srinagar which is prohibited under instructions of the LAWDA. Prior permission of LAWDA has to be obtained before deciding to raise a structure in the identified areas. Director of ISM has thrown all the norms and instructions of concerned authorities to wind, and ordered construction of the hospital which has consumed a good part of 7.50 crore rupees. How, the Director of ISM has defied the rules of the concerned authorities and carried on the construction work without seeking proper permission remains a mystery. His patent reply to objections raised by the CAG is that he has been in touch with other agencies of the State Government. That does not justify the irregularity.
This all sounds bizarre and a number of doubts are raised. How come the illegal hospital could come up and why the concerned authorities did not take action at proper time to disallow it. There seems more than what meets the eye. This is a case fit to be given to the Vigilance for inquiry and report. If hospitals begin to come up like that, the Department of Health will have to explain its position.