A Strange World
Long ago in May when I woke up one day
I found myself hanging like a bat on a mat
Transistors turned into clocks
And clothes walking around in flocks
The ice cream vendor wore a royal crown
And the king was asking for money
with a frown
The people in pictures moved here and there
the earth was covered with an ice cream layer
The rickshaws turned into carriages
And cremations turned into marriages
The pens turned into quills
And elephants turned into squirrels
The satellites and stars turned into mars
And some stupid people
doing underwear wars
All humans turned into aliens
And changing their colour
like chameleons
Our hair had transformed into grass
And animals were made of brass
Each earlobe was like a ball
And fruits were billion metres tall
All people were deaf and dumb
During summer our fingers stayed numb
Suddenly, I realised there were
no ghosts and screams
After all, it was one of my silliest dreams
Khushi Mahajan
I Thought the Story’s Mine
Why are the pages dying?
Why are the words flying?
I thought the story’s mine
But my friend had been lying!
In the autumn, a pink bloom
Lost its petals to a storm –
But the stem stood like a tomb;
It just only wanted to feel warm.
I thought the story’s mine
But my friend had been lying…
A fake friend who seemed so certain-
One who looked like a gift…
Who knew he was only a curtain –
A curtain that created a rift!
I thought it was my time –
Our hands had been joined!
I thought the story’s mine,
But my friend had been lying…
Why are the pages dying?
Why are the words flying?
I thought the story’s mine –
But my friend had been lying!
Yuvika Jasrotia
Heritage Strings
Jaded I was lying
Felt like something trying
Dawned upon me that
Should write something
Miscommunication, misunderstanding,
misimpression ,
misconstruing, incomprehension
Root causes of all dissonance
Discord , dissension and dissidence
despisement , disdain
From hatred too, not refrain
Skirmishes, scuffles and tussle
Clashes , struggles and ruffle
Spoil relations , bonds and chords
Seem like fighting with swords
Negotiators , interpreters and mediators
Fuel hatred like radiators
Need for direct communication
Before further stratification
Called as hot line
Before it becomes crime
Consideration and respect
Dignity and should self reflect
Before inferring and judging
Before scoring and sledging
Oops! Is it miscommunication again ?
Straining relations……again infighting
has began !!!!!!
Aditi Choudhary
Class 12 APSD