Frame GCET Recruitment Rules

Denial of rights is tantamount to discrimination in the case of teaching faculty of Government College of Engineering and Technology Jammu. This is happening owing to deliberate violation or non-implementation of the standing rules coming into force from time to time. The Government has clearly laid down the criterion for grade promotion meaning promotion to next scale of pay for the teaching faculties in the manual called Career Advancement Scheme (CAS). Appointed as lecturers, through regular selection system, many of these faculties have rendered anything between 12 to 20 years of service but without having been given the benefit of the CAS in respect of their promotion to next higher scale. The point is that while recruitments to all cadre posts have to be based strictly on merit by open selection through open advertisement at State level, all promotions in Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) will be on personal basis and therefore the work allocation (Teaching Load etc) will remain the same after promotion.
We do not understand the logic behind the policy of the Government of implementing one part of the rules but neglecting the other part. In simpler words SRO -61 is only partially implemented without any reason and rhyme. This is clear dichotomy and goes to the disadvantage and discouragement of the teaching faculty involved. Why should the Government make them run from pillar to post when the rules are clear and unambiguous?  It is to be made clear that according to this order, wherever recruitment rules were not finalized, these had to be finalized within a period of six months. However, despite lapse of 14 years, the recruitment rules for the faculty of GCET have not been finalized till date. It is pertinent to mention here that not only to Education Minister and other concerned quarter; the teaching faculty of GCET has also projected these grievances before the Governor N N Vohra.
The Higher Education Department has been playing ducks and drakes with the teaching faculty in the GCET. On the one hand the policy of the State is to give impetus to science and technology and rope in more and more of the State youth for acquiring skills, on the other it is leaving no stone unturned to discourage the teaching faculty in engineering and technological instituted to develop positive and cooperative attitude in fulfilling the agenda of the Government. This dichotomy is unacceptable. A State that does injustice to the teachers knowingly and willingly, is striking at the very roots of society.