Excelsior Correspondent
BARAMULLA, June 6: Senior vice president of Pradesh Congress Committee and Member AICC Abdul Gani Vakil today urged Chief Minister to ascertain and evaluate the assets raised by all the politicians, Ministers, former Ministers, legislators, ex-legislators and bureaucrats viz-a-viz their known source of income and put the facts and figures in public domain.
He said such move will be a great precedent that will help in infusing transparency from top to bottom as the menace of corruption has now reached to a level where it has endangered the coexistence and harmony amongst the various sections of the society. He lauded the role of former Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad in enacting strong legislation against the corrupt elements which provided for confiscating the property or wealth amassed by a Government servants. He further said that corruption generally infuses alienation, dejection and revolt in the minds of masses and undoubtedly render them violent and soft targets for exploiters, Vakil said addressing party convention at Chatoosa, Fidarpora and Brandub in district Baramulla.
Commenting on the decision of Coalition Government to enhance the retirement age of employees and relaxing upper age limit for entry into Government service, Mr. Vakil said that when this demand was projected before former Chief Minister Mr Azad, he agreed to each and every suggestion forwarded by stake holders in this behalf and whole heartedly endorsed this demand but at the same time he also took into consideration the genuine and just apprehensions of educated unemployed youth.
Mr. Vakil said that at that point of time Mr. Azad discussed with his cabinet colleagues about ways and means of arranging permanent jobs for over one lakh unemployed youth and providing of stipend allowance to two lakh such youth till they get employment. Mr. Vakil said that the present Government’s decision in this behalf seems to be unilateral benefiting package that has infused frustration into the minds of unemployed youth.