Kudos for MTCR

Ultimately, India made a move, by adjusting it in the domain of MTCR (Missile Technology Control Regime). The late hanging issue of India’s membership in MTCR is in its deserving zone now. With this shift, U.S  also welcomed India’s imminent entry in MTCR.  The Missile Technology Control Regime is an informal and voluntary partnership among 35 countries, to halt the proliferation of missile and UAV( Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) technology, capable of carrying a 500 Kg payload for at least 300 Km.  It was established in April, 1987, by the G7 countries: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Great Britain and the United States. The MTCR was created in order to curb the spread of unmanned delivery systems for nuclear weapons, specifically delivery system for nuclear weapons.
India is the brand new member of MTCR, with consensus of the current 34 nations. India applied for MTCR in year 2014 and has been made member in June 2016. This time the formal membership, a decade on, is being hailed as a historic breakthrough, but implications this time are somewhat less dramatic, as India has accomplished its task of getting fit into the realm of MTCR. India’s membership to the regime has two implications:-
Firstly, India’s accession will be seen as fostering its own export controls, therefore lowering those risks and making it feasible for other MTCR members to justify transferring sensitive technology to India. Secondly, MTCR guidelines themselves do not explicitly distinguish between transfer to members and non- members.
By elevating the friendly gesture, U.S. also inducted India into MTCR and also recognised it as a “major defence partner”. MTCR has just one of many obstacles that India has overcome now. The pretty previous interest shown by India to purchase drones for marine security purpose from U.S, has got relieved from the shackles of thwartence, on the basis of its membership. India is seeking to purchase patrol drones for protection and vigilance of its maritime assets in the Indian Ocean, which can prove an asset in its marine and security protection.
So, the dire need of the hour is to focus on the positive effect of India’s membership to acquaint armed predator drones from the U.S.  Banishing all previous issues, India has remained efficacious in footing the zone of this prestigious MTCR, which had been clinging since 2005, during our former Prime Minister’s tenure.
Yours etc….
Pinaki Bakshi


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